The Tech Side of Setting Up Your Affiliate Program

Implementing an in-house affiliate program involves a couple technical steps to ensure it runs smoothly and effectively. Here’s a detailed guide to help you set up the technical aspects of your affiliate program using ReferTrack:

Technical Steps to Implement an In-House Affiliate Program

1. Choose and Set Up Affiliate Software

Selecting the Right Software: Choose an affiliate software that fits your needs. ReferTrack is an excellent choice due to its comprehensive features and direct linking capabilities.

Setting Up the Software:

  • Sign Up and Create an Account: Register for ReferTrack and create your merchant account.
  • Integration: Follow the integration instructions provided by ReferTrack to connect it with your e-commerce platform. This usually involves adding tracking scripts to your website.

2. Configure Tracking and Referral Parameters

Direct Linking Setup:

  • Referral ID Parameter: Configure your system to accept a referral ID parameter in the URL. For example,
  • Tracking Script: Implement the tracking script provided by ReferTrack on your website to track clicks, referrals, and sales.


  • Testing: Perform thorough testing to ensure the referral IDs are correctly tracked and attributed to the corresponding affiliates. Use a test account to simulate referrals and check if they are recorded accurately.

3. Set Up Your Commission Structure

Define Commission Types:

  • Percentage of Sale: Set up commissions as a percentage of each sale.
  • Flat Rate: Configure flat rate commissions for specific actions or sales.
  • Tiered Commissions: Create tiers to reward high-performing affiliates with higher commissions.

Configure in ReferTrack:

  • Enter Details: Input your commission structure details into ReferTrack’s settings.
  • Automated Calculations: Ensure the software calculates commissions automatically based on your configured rules.

4. Create Affiliate Sign-Up and Management Interface

Affiliate Portal:

  • Sign-Up Form: Design a sign-up form for potential affiliates. Include fields for personal information, website details, and marketing plans.
  • Dashboard: Provide a dashboard where affiliates can track their performance, view earnings, and access marketing materials.

Customizing the Portal:

  • Branding: Customize the portal to reflect your brand’s identity.
  • User Experience: Ensure the interface is user-friendly and provides all necessary information at a glance.

5. Develop Marketing Resources for Affiliates

Marketing Assets:

  • Banners and Ads: Create visually appealing banners and ads.
  • Text Links: Generate affiliate links that include the referral ID.
  • Content Templates: Provide email and social media templates that affiliates can use.

Access and Distribution:

  • Library: Set up a resource library within the affiliate portal where affiliates can easily download marketing materials.
  • Notifications: Notify affiliates of new materials via email or the portal.

6. Implement Real-Time Tracking and Analytics

Tracking Setup:

  • Scripts and Pixels: Install tracking scripts or pixels on your checkout and conversion pages.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Enable real-time tracking to monitor affiliate performance instantly.

Analytics Dashboard:

  • KPIs: Configure the dashboard to display key performance indicators (KPIs) such as clicks, conversions, revenue, and top-performing affiliates.
  • Reports: Generate and schedule regular reports to keep track of the program’s performance.

7. Set Up Automated Payments

Payment Configuration:

  • Payment Methods: Decide on payment methods (e.g., PayPal, bank transfer) and set them up in ReferTrack.
  • Payment Schedule: Determine the frequency of payments (e.g., weekly, monthly) and configure it.

Minimum Payout Thresholds:

  • Thresholds: Set minimum payout thresholds to ensure efficiency in processing payments.
  • Automated Payments: Enable automated payment processing to ensure timely and accurate payments.

8. Integrate with Your E-commerce Platform

Platform Integration:

  • API Integration: Use ReferTrack’s API to integrate with your e-commerce platform for seamless data exchange.
  • Order Tracking: Ensure that orders from affiliate links are tracked accurately, and sales data is synced with ReferTrack.

Testing Integration:

  • End-to-End Testing: Conduct end-to-end testing to verify that all components (tracking, referrals, sales data) work together seamlessly.
  • Debugging: Address any issues or bugs that arise during testing to ensure smooth operation.

9. Establish Security and Compliance Measures

Data Security:

  • Encryption: Ensure all data, including affiliate and customer information, is encrypted.
  • Access Control: Implement access controls to restrict sensitive information to authorized personnel only.

Legal Compliance:

  • FTC Guidelines: Ensure affiliates comply with FTC guidelines by providing disclosure templates.
  • GDPR Compliance: Adhere to GDPR regulations for data protection if you operate within or interact with the EU.

10. Launch and Monitor the Program

Program Launch:

  • Announcement: Announce the launch of your affiliate program via email, social media, and your website.
  • Recruitment Campaigns: Start your affiliate recruitment campaigns using various channels like affiliate networks, outreach, and social media.

Monitoring and Optimization:

  • Performance Tracking: Continuously monitor affiliate performance and overall program success.
  • Feedback Loop: Collect feedback from affiliates to identify areas for improvement.
  • Adjustments: Make necessary adjustments to commission structures, marketing materials, and tracking methods based on performance data.