You'll know every click every visitor every affiliate login every change request

and every activity within your affiliate program

Everything is logged and you have complete access.  Most everything is available via the UI, otherwise it's just a tech support request away.

Transparency and Backend Support

Complete control and insight of every aspect of your affiliate program

The data is yours and ReferTrack makes it simple to access and use, while our support team can help whenever needed.

Complete Transparency and Backend Support

You'll know everything. Every activity, every action, every change request, every log-in, every click, every visitor, and every event is logged. Most everything is available via the UI. Anything else is just a tech support request away.

Log in as Affiliate

As simple as it sounds, this is very helpful.

  • Log in as Affiliate is a convenient way for troubleshooting or support.
  • If you ever want to see exactly what your Affiliate Partner sees, then you can simply "log in as affiliate" and see the user interface from their personalized perspective.

Affiliate "Extra" Fields

Want to know more about your Affiliates?

  • Store anything you want along with the details of the affiliates in their profile.
  • Request or require fields on the signup process.
  • Optionally, you can request or require data on their profile page.

Advanced Transaction “Extra” Fields

Record advanced details with every transaction.

  • Transaction database can be expanded to store data of any type with each transaction.
  • Record or update this data at any time via UI or backend batch files
  • UI can report, sort and filter on date-based fields too!

Signup Form Behaviors for Automation From the Start

A powerful strategy, easily implemented.

  • The signup form, when used strategically can initiate any number of automations, segmentations, onboarding messaging and more.
  • With each newly-approved Affiliate who joins your program, you can supply hidden fields populated with TAGS to apply to the Affiliate

This makes it simple to segregate your "Customer Referral Program" of your happy customers, vs your "Affiliate Program", vs. your "Private Partner Program", etc.

Customizable Reporting Templates- per affiliate

Even the reports you show Affiliates can be customized!

  • Customizable Reporting Templates (hide / show any column, customizable per affiliate.)
  • Oftentimes, partners may need access to specific transactional data that you don't want made available to your "influencers"

Tracking Beyond Affiliates

ReferTrack can be your full Sales Attribution and Sales Tracking software!

  • allows for tracking beyond just affiliate channels.
  • Easily "become an affiliate" and use those links for any ad channel
  • Best practices insure you don't compete with your affiliate for attribution
  • Optionally set your "internal affiliate" to have a zero dollar commission and inability to overwrite tracking attribution.

Individual Affiliate Traffic Reports

With every click an Affiliate sends to you, we record and log everything about that referral.

  • Easily audit traffic sources per affiliate
  • Determine if their traffic source is as claimed.
  • Reporting is available to both you and your Affiliate in real time.
  • Any testing of click tracking done by the affiliate will be reported in real time.

Salesforce and Other Integrations

Our systems can talk to each other!

  • Each Affiliate who applies for your program can be synced with your preferred CRM.
  • Same thing for approvals of Affiliates, or any field updates.
  • All communications with the Affiliate sent from ReferTrack can be integrated with your preferred CRM.

Smart Search with partial matches

Smart Search Bar makes everything available with a click.

  • Isn't it frustrating when a software requires exact matches to find your data?
  • And if you forgot something, or misspelled something, you're out of luck.
  • Not with ReferTrack!
    You don't even have to establish the field you're searching. So, if you're looking for ABC Company, or Janice Doe from Anytown, enter anything you know in the search bar, and ReferTrack will help.